Steps taken by Macon County Enhanced 911

Additional questions are asked during each medical call received, screening for contagious conditions that might endanger first responders to exposure.  The questions utilized are based on national and state guidelines.

If a positive response is received to any of the screening questions, first responders are notified to seek additional information about the patient before contact is initiated, which could require the first responders to utilize additional person protective equipment. (PPE)

The Macon County 911 Board declared an emergency exists because of the pandemic, by Resolution.  The Resolution among other things was designed to ensure un-interrupted coverage, and safety of our staff.  Restrictions was placed on secondary employment and leave time as well.

MCE911 implemented "Disaster Isolation Scheduling" for 9-1-1 dispatchers. This schedule divides the 9-1-1 dispatchers into teams that work different parts of the week, minimizing cross contact between teams to 4 times in a 2 week period.  Deep cleaning is performed in the dispatch center, prior too, and immediately after these 4 cross contact periods.  A third team is isolated from either of the active working teams.

As pandemic information has continued to be gathered and disseminated by various experts, scheduling has been adjusted with first a modified isolation schedule, with continous monitoring of the local numbers.  The schedule has returned to almost pre-pandemic scheduling, with hopes of returning to a near normal schedule this spring.

An air purifier has been installed in the dispatch area, and the staff continues to deep clean during shift change.